The following battles of the 1745 Jacobite Rebellion are described and illustrated under this title:

Highland charge on Barrell’s Regiment: Battle of Culloden 16th April 1746 in the Jacobite Rebellion: painted by David Morier using Highland prisoners as models
Battle of Prestonpans: Prince Charles Edward Stuart’s decisive defeat of the Government Army led by Sir John Cope fought on 21st September 1745 launching the ’45 Rebellion on a course that would take the Jacobite Army deep into England.
Battle of Falkirk: The second battle in which Prince Charles Edward Stuart defeated the Royal troops of King George II fought on 17th January 1746.
Battle of Culloden: The Duke of Cumberland’s decisive defeat of Prince Charles Edward Stuart’s Jacobite Army fought on 16th April 1746: the beginning of the end for the clan system in the Highlands of Scotland.