Battles of the First Afghan War 1838 to 1842
Battle of Ghuznee: The British capture of the Afghan city of Ghuznee on 23rd July 1839: a successful beginning to a disastrous war.
Battle of Kabul and the Retreat to Gandamak: The disastrous culmination in January 1842 to the British invasion of Afghanistan in the First Afghan War.
Siege of Jellalabad: The successful defence of Jellalabad in 1841 to 1842 that went a little way to restore the British reputation devastated by the Battles of Kabul and Gandamak.
Battle of Kabul 1842: The revenge taken by the Anglo-Indian ‘Army of Retribution’ against the Afghans between August and October 1842 for the massacres at Kabul and Gandamak.