73. Podcast on the Battle of Alexandria: the British victory in Egypt, fought between 8th and 21st March 1801 during the French Revolutionary War, over Napoleon Buonaparte’s vaunted veterans of the Army of Italy

72. Podcast on the Battle of Flodden: the defeat on 9th September 1513 at the hands of the English that annihilated a generation of Scottish aristocracy including the Scots king, King James IV
71. Podcast on the Siege of Ladysmith: The siege in Natal during the Boer War that ensnared a British army from 2nd November 1899 to 27th February1900, but blocked the Boer invasion of the colony
70. Podcast on the Siege of Kimberley: the diamond-mining town in the north of Cape Colony in Southern Africa, between 14thOctober 1899 and 15thFebruary 1900 in the Boer War, whose relief dominated the strategy of the western British forces
69. Podcast on the Siege of Mafeking from 14thOctober 1899 to 16thMay 1900 in the Boer War: the siege of the railway town on the border between Bechuanaland and the Transvaal that fired British imagination with its resourceful defence by Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Scout Movement
68. Podcast on the Battle of Paardeberg: the close fought battle in the Boer War between 18th and 27th February 1900 that ended with the surrender of Cronje’s Boer army to the British: John Mackenzie’s britishbattles.com podcasts

67. Podcast on the Battles of Val Krantz and Pieters fought between 5th and 28th February 1900 in the Boer War: The third unsuccessful attempt by Buller to push across the Tugela River followed by the fourth, final and successful crossing of the Tugela, leading to the relief of Ladysmith
66. Podcast on the Battle of Spion Kop fought on 24thJanuary 1900 in the Boer War: the iconic British defeat, during Buller’s second and disastrous attempt to cross the Tugela River and relieve Ladysmith
65. Podcast on the Battle of Colenso: fought on 15thDecember 1899 in the Boer War: Buller’s disastrous first attempt to cross the Tugela River in Natal and relieve Ladysmith, the last of the three battles of ‘Black Week’
64. Podcast on the Battle of Magersfontein: Lord Methuen’s disastrous defeat at the hands of Cronje’s Boers on 11th December 1899 in the Boer War; the Highland Brigade suffering severe loss: the second battle of ‘Black Week’
63. Podcast on the Battle of Stormberg: General Gatacre’s disastrous defeat in Northern Cape Colony, fought on 9th/10th December 1899 in the Boer War; the first battle of ‘Black Week’
62. Podcast of the Battle of Modder River fought on 28thNovember 1899 in the Boer War as Lord Methuen’s British force advanced to relieve Kimberley
61. Podcast on the Battle of Graspan (also known as Enslin) fought on 25thNovember 1899 in the Great Boer War leading to the British advance to the disastrous battles of Modder River and Magersfontein
60. Podcast on the Battle of Belmont fought on 23rdNovember 1899 in the Boer War, beginning the British advance to relieve Kimberley, besieged by the Boers
58. Podcast on the Battle of Elandslaagte fought on 21st October 1899 in the Great Boer War with the devastating charge by the British 5th Dragoon Guards and 5th Lancers
57. Podcast on the Battle of Talana Hill: the first battle of the Great Boer War, also known as the Battle of Dundee, fought in Northern Natal on 20th October 1899
56. Podcast on the Battle of Ulundi: the final battle of the Zulu War, fought on 4th July 1879; Lord Chelmsford’s troops destroying the army of the Zulu King Cetshwayo
55. Podcast on the Battle of Gingindlovu fought on 2nd April 1879 in the Zulu War, Lord Chelmsford defeating a Zulu army on his route to Ulundi
54. Podcast on the Battle of Khambula on 29th March 1879 in the Zulu War: the defeat by Colonel Evelyn Wood VC of a Zulu army in the opening stages of the war
53. Podcast on the Battle of Rorke’s Drift in the Zulu War: the iconic defence on 22nd January 1879 of the mission station in Natal by a small force of British and colonial troops; winning a record number of Victoria Crosses and inspiring Victorian Britain
52. Podcast on the Battle of Isandlwana fought on 22nd January 1879 in the Zulu War; where the Zulus wiped out a substantial British force rocking British Victorian society
51. Podcast on the Sortie from Bayonne: the terrible night-time clash outside Bayonne on 14th April 1814, that marked the end of the Peninsular War, but occurred after the abdication of the Emperor Napoleon on 4th April 1814
50. Podcast on the Battle of Toulouse fought on 10th April 1814 by Wellington against Marshal Soult outside the French City of Toulouse in Southern France; the last battle fought by Wellington in the Peninsular War
49. Podcast on the Battle of Tarbes: fought by Wellington against Marshal Soult on 20th March 1814 in Southern France during the Peninsular War; where the three Battalions of the 95th Rifles distinguished themselves
48. Podcast on the Battle of Orthez: fought on 2nd February 1814 during the Peninsular War in the south-west of France; with Wellington pushing Marshal Soult’s Army of the Pyrenees back across the River Adour
47. Podcast on the Battle of St Pierre: fought on 13th December 1813 in the Peninsular War, the last day of the crossing of the River Nive by Wellington’s army; described as some of the fiercest fighting of the war
46. Podcast on the Battle of the Nive: fought between 9th and 13th December 1813 in the Peninsular War with Wellington’s army crossing the River Nive and moving further into France; a battle with some of the fiercest fighting of the Peninsular War
45. Podcast on the Battle of the Nivelle: fought on 10th November 1813, during the Peninsular War; Wellington’s army crossing the River Nivelle and moving from the Pyrenees Mountains into the plains of France
44. Podcast on the Battle of the Bidassoa: fought on 7th October 1813 during the Peninsular War with Wellington’s army crossing the River Bidassoa into France
43. Podcast on the Battle of San Marcial: fought on 31st August and 1st September 1813 along the French border, during the Peninsular War; with Spanish troops decisively repelling the French attack

42. Podcast on the Battle of the Pyrenees: the battles fought between 25th July and 2nd August 1813 in the western Pyrenees Mountains, during the Peninsular War; Wellington decisively repelling Marshal Soult’s incursion across the border to relieve the French garrisons in Pamplona and San Sebastian

41. Podcast on the Storming of San Sebastian: the hard-fought struggle to capture the city port on the north-east coast of Spain near the French border between 11th July and 9th September 1813 in the Peninsular War

40. Podcast on the Battle of San Millan and Osma: the clash in the mountains of Northern Spain on 18th June 1813 between the van of Wellington’s advancing army and General Reille’s French ‘Army of Portugal’, as it withdrew to Vitoria
39. Podcast on the Battle of Morales de Toro: The successful cavalry action fought by the British Hussar Brigade against the French 16th and 21st Dragoons on 1st June 1813 in the Peninsular War
38. Podcast on the Retreat from Burgos: Wellington’s retreat to Ciudad Rodrigo following the unsuccessful attack on Burgos in the Autumn of 1812 in the Peninsular War

37. Podcast on the Attack on Burgos between 19th September and 25th October 1812 in the Peninsular War: Wellington’s unsuccessful assault on the Spanish City following the Battle of Salamanca

36. Podcast on the Battle of Majadahonda: the engagement on 11th August 1812 in the Peninsular War between Wellington’s advanced guard and Joseph Buonaparte’s cavalry rear-guard

35. Podcast on the Battle of Garcia Hernandez fought on 23rd July 1812 in the Peninsular War, the second day of the Battle of Salamanca, when King’s German Legion Dragoons overwhelmed French infantry squares during the French retreat
34. Podcast on the Capture of Havana: The capture of the Spanish port of Havana on the island of Cuba on 14th August 1762 in the Seven Years War by the Royal Navy and the British Army in a notably successful combined operation
33. Podcast on the Battle of Laswaree: The triumph of British and Bengal light cavalry in General Lake’s defeat of the Gwalior Mahrattas on 1st November 1803, after capturing Delhi, the future capital city of British-ruled India
32. Podcast on the Storming of Siringapatam: The capture on 4th May 1799 of Tipu Sultan’s palace fortress: A key battle in the conquest of South India by the British
31. Podcast on the Battle of Almaraz: Rowland Hill’s resourceful destruction of the fortified French bridge of boats at Almaraz over the River Tagus on 19th May 1812 during the Peninsular War
30. Podcast of the Battle of Villagarcia: The successful cavalry action fought by the British against the French on 11th April 1812 during the Peninsular War
29. Podcast of the Battle of Salamanca: Wellington’s victory on 22nd July 1812 over the French army of Marshal Marmont, during the Peninsular War, leading to the re-capture of Madrid; also known as the Battle of Los Arapiles or Les Arapiles
28. Podcast of the Battle of Vitoria: Wellington’s decisive defeat of Joseph Bonaparte’s French army on 21st June 1813 in North-Eastern Spain in the Peninsular War
27. Podcast of the Storming of Badajoz: Wellington’s capture, on 6th April 1812, of the second French base on the Portuguese border, the southern gateway for the British invasion of Spain, during the Peninsular War
26. Podcast of the Storming of Ciudad Rodrigo: The sudden capture by Wellington on 19th January 1812 of Marmont’s ‘base of operations’ for the intended third French invasion of Portugal during the Peninsular War
25. Podcast of the Battle of Arroyo Molinos: the spectacular destruction of Girard’s French Division by General Rowland Hill on 28th October 1811 in the Peninsular War
24. Podcast of the Battle of El Bodon: The successful rear-guard actions fought on 25th September 1811 in the Peninsular War by Wellington’s troops against French cavalry.
23. Podcast of the Battle of Usagre: The brisk battle fought on 25th May 1811 in the Peninsular War, where a powerful force of French dragoons was overwhelmed by the British 3rd Dragoon Guards and 4th Dragoons with their Spanish and Portuguese allies.
22. Podcast of the Battle of Albuera: Marshal Beresford’s hard-fought battle against Marshal Soult on 16th May 1811 during the Peninsular War, with his army of British, Portuguese and Spanish troops.
21. Podcast of the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro: Wellington’s hard-fought battle to prevent the French Army of Portugal under Marshal Massena relieving the fortress of Almeida on 3rd to 5th May 1811 in the Peninsular War.
20. Podcast of the Battle of Sabugal: The Peninsular War action fought on 3rd April 1811 by the Light Division against Reynier’s French Second Corps on the north-eastern border of Portugal during Massena’s retreat to Spain.
19. Podcast of the Battle of Redinha or Pombal: The indecisive battle fought on 12th March 1811 in Western Central Portugal during Massena’s retreat from the Lines of Torres Vedras to the River Mondego, following the unsuccessful French attempt to capture Lisbon during the Peninsular War.
18. Podcast of the Battle of Campo Maior: the Peninsular War action fought on 25th March 1811, where the British 13th Light Dragoons charged and swept away a larger force of French cavalry before capturing a train of artillery.
17. Podcast of the Battle of Barossa: General Graham’s notable victory, also known as the Battle of Chiclana, over the French during the march to Cadiz on 5th March 1811 in the Peninsular War.
16. Podcast of the Battle of Bannockburn: Robert the Bruce’s iconic victory of the Scots over the English in 1314.
15. Podcast of the Battle of Waterloo: the battle fought on 18th June 1815 that ended the dominance of the French Emperor Napoleon over Europe and saw the end of an epoch.
14. Podcast of the Battle of Busaco: Wellington’s highly successful holding battle fought on 27th September 1810 in Western Portugal against Marshal Massena’s invading French army, as the British and Portuguese withdrew to Lisbon and the Lines of Torres Vedras, during the Peninsular War.
13. Podcast of the Battle of the River Coa, the British Light Division’s fierce battle to escape from Marshal Ney’s French corps across the River Coa on 24th July 1810 in the Peninsular War.

12. Podcast of The Great Siege of Gibraltar, between 8th July 1779 and 2nd February 1783, whose defence under General Eliott so inspired Great Britain at a time of defeat in the American Revolutionary War.

11. Podcast: Braddock’s Defeat Part 1: The account of General Braddock’s expedition to Fort Duquesne in 1755: Part 1: The origins of General Braddock’s expedition.

10. Podcast: Introduction to the American War of the Revolution, 1775–1783.

9. Podcast of the Battle of Talavera: The British victory south of Madrid on 28th July 1809 over Joseph Bonaparte, the King imposed on Spain by Napoleon, and his French army in the Peninsular War.

8. Podcast of the Battle of the Crossing of the Douro: The battle, also known as the Second Battle of Oporto, that saw Sir Arthur Wellesley’s (later the Duke of Wellington) successful passage of the River Douro at Oporto in Portugal, on 12th May 1809 during the Peninsular War, forcing Marshal Soult’s French army into headlong and disastrous retreat to Spain:

7. Podcast of the Battle of Corunna: The battle, also known as the Battle of Elviña, that ensured the escape of the British army from Spain on 16thJanuary 1809, during the Peninsular War, with the death of Sir John Moore at the moment of success:

6. Podcast of the Battle of Cacabelos: The battle fought at Cacabelos bridge on 3rd January 1809 during Sir John Moore’s retreat to Corunna in the Peninsular War:
5. Podcast of the Battle of Benavente: The second cavalry battle, fought on 29th December 1808, establishing the early predominance of British cavalry over French in the Peninsular War:
4. Podcast of the Battle of Sahagun: The dawn attack by the British 15th Hussars, on 21st December 1808 in the snow, that routed a French cavalry brigade and set the standard for British cavalry in the Peninsular War; ‘Success to the Fifteenth; and ‘God Save the King’:
3. Podcast of the Battle of Vimeiro: Sir Arthur Wellesley’s victory over the French army of Marshal Junot in Portugal on 21st August 1808, his first major victory in the Peninsular War, which nearly ruined his military career:
2. Podcast of the Battle of Roliça: The first battle fought by the British in the Peninsular War, on 17th August 1808; also, the first of the string of victories over the French won by Sir Arthur Wellesley, later the Duke of Wellington: